Video of SEAN SIDI from cousin RACHEL JONES
help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

Video of SEAN SIDI from cousin RACHEL JONES


This VIDEO was made by Sean's cousin Rachel Jones in 2014.

Sean and Rachel were close, and like the rest of us - she was deeply affected when Sean vanished. It is painful for us to watch, as I'm sure it must have been for Rachel to make. Thank you RACHEL for helping us keep HOPE alive. 99% of the people in the video are relatives of Sean, both from Europe and Hawaii - Danielle (Sean's sister) is pictured in many of the pics. 

Most of the pics are pre-inury, but some (with Sean in a wrist cast & head partially shaved) were POST injury, near the time he vanished. in May 21, 2013. 

We still hold onto HOPE that Sean will be returned to us, one day.…/0By8sAULQ_6t-dzBJUHRGdkdteXM/edit…


see or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA on May 21, 2013, (at age 19), shortly after sustaining a severe traumatic brain injury. Please keep an eye out for Sean - who may be lost amongst the homeless with no memory - very FAR from S.F.

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