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help find sean sidi

Help find Sean Sidi

We need your help to find our son

Find SEAN SIDI - January 2018 Post

I'm sorry I've been remiss in posting.  This is from 'Find Sean Sidi' FB January 2018 


Wishing you & your loved ones a Safe, Healthy & Happy New Year!

X-mas was eventful with a text demand for "ransom", & the promise to send "a photo of Sean dead" - if the demand was not met.

We know with certainty this text had no truth or merit.

Over 4+ years, this was only of 1 of 3 despicable acts/persons,

Amid thousands of generous souls across this country (& beyond) who have helped us search for Sean.

LE and Media - including 'Dateline' checked in with us recently for updates. No recent leads, but we appreciate that they have not forgotten Sean....

SO our search for Sean - everywhere, near & FAR - continues.

Claude Danielle and I remain forever indebted to all of you,

With Much Love,

The SIDI Family 


Have you SEEN Missing Sean SIDI - Age Progressed PHOTO to 23 yrs.

Sean's photo - age progressed to 23 yrs.

NCMEC forensic artists used my and Claude's photo at 23 yrs to render Sean's photo. Claude and I see some resemblance (EXCEPT for the teeth...).

It has been a very rough 4 years since MISSING made her ugly debut into our lives.

We love & miss Sean with every fiber of our being, and still cling to hope for a reunion, or answers, whatever that might be.

Sean would be 23 yrs., 5'5" 120 lbs, Eurasian, slim build, DIMPLES, bump on right forehead, braces (4 years ago). HE SUFFERED a severe TBI before going missing in San Francisco CA on 5/21/13. Calls & PHOTOS to 415.713.5913





1st photo - AGE Progressed to 23 yrs (by NCMEC forensic artists)



2nd photo - Sean at 18 yrs of age


MISSING Sean SIDI's 23rd Birthday - Easter Sunday 2017

This year - Sean's (23rd) birthday falls on Easter Sunday. 

Claude and I will always cherish the wonderful years of laughter, chaos and high energy with Sean and his partners in mischief: Danielle, Nobuo, Paul, Austin, VILLA & FAIS-IHS friends. 

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!  We will never stop hoping that we will be reunited with you one day.  We Love You, Mom, Dad & Danielle



Pictures:  Past Birthdays 

UPDATE - Search for Missing Sean SIDI - February 12, 2017

3 years, 8 months, 18 days

Despite our best efforts, Sean is still missing. We will never - ever feel that we did or are doing enough to find Sean. 

Each day we embrace Sean in our lives and hearts... 

We appreciate your eyes (searching), words and memories of Sean... 

From Sean's cousin in Australia who ended her email (sending pictures of her beautiful baby)...."Thinking always of Sean." 

And our dear friend Mark who told us that he purposely keeps the thick candle dripping on his wool coat (from a 'Sean candlelight vigil' -pictured) to always remind him of Sean... 

And so many others - 

There are no new tips. But a few weeks ago, California Ombudsmen shared Sean's flier among the hundreds of skilled nursing facilities and nursing rehabs across California. Thank you Tippy I, Juli W., and associates for your generosity!!

CALL 415.713.5913 or with TIPS


Below:  image 1 - Sean (2nd from right), w/sister Danielle & friends;  image 2 -Sean and friends; image 3 Sean (L) & friend Jordan; image 4 -media & friend & pastor Fred Harrell preparing for candlelight vigil at City Hall - 12/2013); Flier 




On SUNDAY, Jan 29th., Claude and I will join Textwich (see attached) in distributing  500 bagged lunches, water, 200 socks, tents and sleeping bags to the homeless.    


If you would like to volunteer - please join us SUNDAY, JAN 29TH @12:30 pm (feeding starts at 1pm) in front of the Salvation Army in the Tenderloin  242 Turk Street (at Jones St) in San Francisco.  


PLEASE FEEL FREE TO BRING A FEW BAGGED LUNCHES & WATER or other items (socks, caps, mittens or toiletries)  to donate to the homeless.   Each bagged lunch will contain a flier featuring a missing person from San Francisco. 


At 3 pm, we will caravan over to Golden Gate Park to distribute additional bagged lunches. 


We hope to see you there! 


Lynn & Claude 

TIPS:  415.713.5913, 




Update re Search for Sean SIDI - July 4, 2016

This was posted on FB FindSeansidi last week: 


Some days I can't stand posting on Sean's page. It just reminds me how long we've been in hell - how long Sean' has been lost without us, and how long we've been without him - But I have no choice, because there is a chance that Sean is alive. SFPD recently issued another nationwide BOLO. 

4 tips received in last 4 months - thanks to those sharing and posting (♥ ANN A. Tina, Luana, & Leona (HI) & ALL): 2 tips discounted by photos; 1 from Colorado of a young man recently arrived from CA (no picture); and an interesting set of tips from Venice Beach area - So Cal - being monitored - will share soon.

On the flip side, CA Department of Justice ("DOJ") requested Sean's x-rays & medical records from his head injury - 2,000+ pages documenting a craniotomy and a cranioplasty (look it up) - The idea is - the x-rays/records will help identify Sean's body / remains - something you can never fully appreciate unless your child is missing. [Thanks to Sgt. Chris Long of SFPD for ensuring the info also gets to NamUs and NCIC - the federal databases.] 

Picture below was taken in 2012, Sean was 18 yrs and Danielle was 14yrs. And we were happy. 

See or for more information about Sean SIDI, who vanished from San Francisco, CA (age 19) shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. Sean may be homeless, lost without memory FAR from San Francisco. 
‪#‎seansidi‬ ‪#‎missingsf‬ ‪#‎missingcaliforniafive‬ ‪#‎californiamissingpersons‬‪#‎missingpersons‬,

Sean SIDI - 3 YEARS MISSING - Saturday May 21, 2016 w/SF GIANTS

POST on - Saturday May 21, 2016 

Thank you all for your texts, videos, special fliers and FB messages in support yesterday (Sat May 21, 2016) - 3 years since Sean went missing... It was especially painful because Danielle, Sean's sister graduated from high school yesterday, also.

It felt SO empty, and so, so SAD that Sean was not there to see Danielle reach this milestone...

After the graduation, Claude, Danielle and I headed to the GIANTS game, to see Sean on the GIANTS scoreboard...Even in a crowd of thousands, we felt enveloped in love and warmth on this difficult day...... 

Thanks to ALL OUR FRIENDS & FAMILY who came yesterday to the Giants game to support us!!!! Special thanks to my cousins Jody & MIKE  - (but somehow did not get you in the pictures!!....) We love you!! 

Larry Baer, CEO & owner of the Giants came up and introduced himself & extended his support & thoughts. A kind, gem of a man. 


SEAN, we love you SO, SO much......


Photo 1 - Sean on Scoreboard.  Hard to get a good photo but very clear in person.

Photo 2 - Lynn's uncle, Claude, Lynn & Danielle at AT&T park.  

Photo 3 - Lianne (Lynn's sister from Hawaii), Claude & Danette (cousin)

Photo 4 - Our precious Sean

See or for more information on the search for Sean Sidi, who vanished from SF (age 19) May 21, 2013 shortly after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.  Call TIPS or send photo to 415.713.5913 or